
The Mat Pilates Workout We’re Streaming Now
Lia Bartha’s signature workout, B the Method, is based in classic mat Pilates but cuts out most of the props. All you need to get started is a ball.
What’s new

How to Improve Your Posture
“after a few weeks of doing her workouts, I feel less sore pulling back my shoulders…”

She Became a Fitness Guru During the Pandemic
“Lia Bartha is a trainer to Hollywood celebrities including her husband, the actor Justin Bartha.”

I tried B The Method by Lia Bartha workout and ...
“I signed up for the seven-day free trial of the B The Method after seeing how popular Lia Bartha’s workout was on Instagram, and I absolutely loved it.”

Low Impact Moves for Noticeable Results
“The only way to find length, strength, mobility, and definition is through proper form,” Lia tells us. “I feel like this is the best-kept secret in the health and fitness...

Is Your Workout Age-Appropriate?
" out hard but also intentionally, intelligently and a little wildly."

How Gym Culture Went From Punishing to Meditative
"...Pilates instructor Lia Bartha, who has developed a particularly restorative form of the practice called B the Method."

The Weekly Covet: New Year, Fresh Start
"With a slower pace, and intentional movements, I feel like I'm putting in the attention and meditative movement that my body craves."

Women In Wellness: Lia Bartha of B The Method
"Lia is a beloved fitness personality who created B The Method, which is a mix of highly unique pilates-based, low-impact movements, with inspiration from dance and swimming, to strengthen, restore...

10 Ways Your Workouts Will Evolve In 2022
"And B the Method, an exercise program created by former ballet dancer Lia Bartha, has become increasingly popular as people continue to search for effective — and low-impact — at-home...

If You Want to Tone Your Upper Arms, Look No Fu...
"Parade consulted Lia Bartha, founder of B the Method, to find out everything we’ve ever wanted to know about dips—how to do them properly, which muscles they work out, and more."

Interview with Lia
"There is this obsession in the fitness industry with “before and after” pictures. The problem with this is that as a marketing technique it boils down “health and wellness” to...

The tech we couldn't live without in 2021
Lia Bartha’s pilates app, B the Method, has been a huge boost to my mental and physical health.