10 Minutes / 10 Days workouts for busy people

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Is Ten Minutes Of Exercise a Day Enough?

Are you having a busy week? That doesn’t mean you should give up on your health and wellbeing. Exercise is the best way to get through stressful times and stay sharp. I’ve created this program so you can still get some movement and not have a health setback during your busiest times.

Any exercise is better than no exercise. Some studies now show that just ten minutes of exercise a day can have amazing health benefits. This program has a great variety of movements and is surprisingly effective.

Lia’s tips for Exercising anytime, anywhere.



You can use the schedule I provide for you every week or create your own. Aside from the ten minute classes in this program, the app has a wide variety of twenty minute classes for you.



This is the absolute key to get results both physically and mentally. You should think of exercising as part of your non-negotiable routine. Three to four B The Method classes a week will set you on the right path.


The ball

The not-so-secret weapon to B The Method is the small inflatable stability ball. This light, inexpensive prop can travel with you to the office or on vacation and is just as effective as a Pilates reformer.

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