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Libido (Protein) Sex Balls

Libido (Protein) Sex Balls

I love to keep a batch of protein balls in my fridge for a quick, and easy, energy boost during the day. So that got me thinking, what if we want a quick, and easy, energy AND libido boost? Enter the Libido Sex Ball recipe which pairs perfectly with our Sexual Health Program. 5-days of workouts geared toward improving your sex life + plenty of libido boosting sex balls. Yes please.

Libido (protein) Sex Balls


1/2 cup cashew butter
3 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
1/3 cup protein powder (unflavored or vanilla preferably)
1 tbsp coconut flour
1 tsp sex dust (or maca powder)
Pinch of flaky salt
Dusting : powdered freeze-dried strawberries & 100% cacao powder (60/40 ratio)


Combine all ingredients until a dough forms. Roll into balls and coat with the cacao strawberry dusting. Fresh is best, but since you can’t eat them all in one sitting (or can you), store the leftovers in the fridge.

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