
What’s new


I am 63 and used to sit at my desk all day! During Covid I made a decision to work out and strengthen my body. Lia's method has given me...


I've been doing Pilates for over 20 years, and I was looking for a new at-home workout since I was getting bored of MWH. I have to say, Lia and...


I've been doing the Method for almost a year now. I am so pleased with the content and the strength that I've built up in that time. I especially love...


I discovered Lia and BTheMethod way back in 2020 when she started doing Instagram workouts and I was looking for something to help me during pregnancy and be strong for...


B the Method has changed my workouts for life! Lia's method is thoughtful, effective, creative, and accessible- I truly can't put into words how grateful I am to have found...

Olivia, 30

Olivia, 30

"Such a good mental release, I feel like it's life changing."

Nadine, 48

Nadine, 48

"A life-changing bend in my fitness journey...I was hooked"

Irene, 40

Irene, 40

"When I want to feel grounded and strong, I go back to B the Method every time"

Marie, 36

Marie, 36

"No matter your age, it's beneficial to everybody."

Stephanie, 30

Stephanie, 30

"The benefits are instant and you feel really good about yourself. "

Kim, 37

Kim, 37

"I'm a die hard B the Method fan because it makes you feel so good."

Absolutely Love This Program!

Super transformative, low impact, high result workouts. They are super centering and Lia is an incredible teacher. This has been huge for me as a dancer helping out with injury...

Test Testimonial

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Julie, 37

Julie, 37

When I think of BTM, I think of gratitude. I feel beyond grateful to be able to workout from any location whenever is convenient for me. I feel thankful for the...

Carolyn Brooks Roberts

The classes are incredible workouts. Not only do I SWEAT but I swear they are calming my nervous system. I’m finding it easier to get up in the morning and...

The best!

I know when instructors really know the body. Lia knows how to plan the best sequential moves back to back. Every class is a series of layered moves that build...

jody, 48

jody, 48

I can’t say enough about BTM; I never get bored and I feel so energized, flexible and strong after a class. I love that in each class there are familiar...

Erika, 33

Erika, 33

My B The Method experience has been life changing. Lia’s approach to pilates has fundamentally changed the way I feel and move in my body. Her method is challenging and...