Getting Started with b the method


Start the Program

The Fundamentals of B The Method

This program is a great foundation to jumpstart your fitness journey and also a home base you can always come back to for a refresher. 

To get a true baseline understanding of what B The Method is all about, this program will introduce you to some keywords and movements that are helpful to master. I talk a lot about your core, pelvic floor, spinal articulation, deep muscle activation and more than anything, proper form.

Lia’s tips for Exercising Anytime, Anywhere.



You can use the schedule I provide for you every week or create your own. Aside from the ten minute classes in this program, the app has a wide variety of twenty minute classes for you.



This is the absolute key to get results both physically and mentally. You should think of exercising as part of your non-negotiable routine. Three to four B The Method classes a week will set you on the right path.


The ball

The not-so-secret weapon to B The Method is the small inflatable stability ball. This light, inexpensive prop can travel with you to the office or on vacation and is just as effective as a Pilates reformer.

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